
Do you want to make a change?

Or need some direction in your life? Do you want to learn how to manifest your dreams more quickly or discover what you need to live a more fulfilling life?

Life Sessions are 75 minute sessions that help you tune more fully into your passions, goals, and dreams and any potential blocks that might be hindering your self-expression. My work is informed by my prior career as a psychoanalyst and energy healer as well as my work with tarot cards. Through these various lenses, I intuit information about your life path and ways to open more fully to it.

During the session, you will tap into your intuition as well! Together we will develop a better understanding of your current experiences as well as the forces moving within you to build a vision for your life that feels more in line with what you truly desire. We will focus on the “now” to discuss what you can do to create different outcomes in your future and ways to let go of patterns that are keeping you stuck.

A life session is an exciting and fun adventure into the unknown. Let’s go!

click here to BOOK!

For more info, contact me.